July 2021: Harrisons Coffee Co

Secret Sip Coffee Club is happy to reveal our fiery secret roasting partner from the middle of our great country. What started as a gastronomic journey by the charismatic founder, has been a great passion project turned into thriving national award winning roastery and coffee house – Al and the team at Harrisons Coffee Co is absolutely smashing it in the Forks area of Winnipeg, Manitoba! If you are driving through or live in the area, you need to hit this place for one of the best coffee’s you will try!

 There definition of “the journey” is what got us “At Harrisons Coffee Co., we love coffee! We love coffee so much that we decided to focus on it and become a specialty coffee roaster, meaning we only roast and serve the highest-grade coffees available. From the 6th generation farmer that does nothing but focus on growing the best possible fruit in some of the toughest, steepest terrains in the world, to the harvester that picks between 100–200lbs of cherries per day by hand that will ultimately produce between 20–40lbs of coffee beans. And that is just the beginning...”. Harrison’s truly aims to close the loop and showcase this amazing bounty! “We believe it is the roaster's job to respect the Green Coffee by accentuating the flavours and the processes chosen by the farmer (and Mother Nature) while ensuring that the ultimate balance of sweetness, body, and acidity is achieved, resulting in the perfect cup.”

July’s exclusive secret coffee selection is the Michicha, from Ethiopia. This coffee was produced by Tariku Edma, who is a 3rd generation coffee farmer in the Guji province of Ethiopia. The region is renowned for quality specialty coffee, however, Edma was the first farmer to establish a washing station in Banko, Michicha!  The wildly delicious bean exuded notes of caramel, honey, and ripe peach!

Secret Sip Coffee Club is so pleased to have partnered with Harrisons Coffee Co. to bring you this month's secret roast, and what we believe to be, one of Canada’s best coffees. To learn more about Harrisons Coffee Co., check out their website below: