August 2023: hammer and Chip Coffee Co.

At Secret Sip Coffee Club, we're always on the hunt for exceptional, unique, and tantalizing coffee experiences to share with our beloved members. This time, we've struck gold with a mesmerizing offering from Hammer and Chip Coffee Co. based out of Calgary – the Mexico Chiapas Altura.

The Tale Behind the Beans

Nestled in the southern reaches of Mexico lies the state of Chiapas, renowned for its remarkable coffee-growing regions. Chiapas Altura, a high-altitude gem, stands out among the coffee varieties produced in this region. Grown at elevations over 4,000 feet, the beans from this area develop distinct qualities due to the altitude's impact on their growth. The combination of fertile soil, optimal rainfall, and a subtropical climate creates a coffee flavor profile that's truly exceptional.

Flavor Notes and Aromas

The Mexico Chiapas Altura beans boast a complex and satisfying flavor profile. With a medium body and a gentle acidity, the first sip introduces you to delightful notes of cocoa, caramel, and a hint of nuttiness. The aroma itself is an experience—enveloping you in the fragrance of toasted nuts and a whisper of citrus that instantly invites you to indulge in every cup.

Crafting the Perfect Brew

To fully appreciate the nuances of this exquisite coffee, we recommend brewing it using methods that accentuate its nuanced flavors. Whether you prefer the classic French press or the precision of a pour-over, this coffee adapts beautifully, offering a delightful cup each time.

Pairing Suggestions

The Mexico Chiapas Altura blend harmonizes wonderfully with various palate pleasers. Consider savoring it with a slice of carrot cake or a piece of dark chocolate for an indulgent pairing that brings out the coffee's subtle sweetness.

Join the Secret Sip Experience

As an esteemed member of Secret Sip Coffee Club, you get exclusive access to such hidden treasures in the coffee world. Our goal is to make every sip an adventure, and the Mexico Chiapas Altura from Hammer and Chip is an embodiment of that mission.

Note: The joy of coffee is in its versatility. Experiment with grind size, water temperature, and brew time to find your perfect cup.

Join Secret Sip Coffee Club for more exclusive coffee discoveries and let's continue to unlock the world's most exceptional brews, one secret sip at a time.