October 2021: Wheelhouse Coffee Co.

Secret Sip Coffee Club is so pleased to reveal October’s secret roasting partner. Nestled into the eastern part of Nova Scotia’s famous Annapolis Valley, along the Cornwallis River, the city of Berwick houses this the incredible duo roasting team of Amos and Jaci, proprietors and coffee fanatics at Wheelhouse Coffee Co.

Wheelhouse Coffee Co. was founded in 2018 at the base of North Mountain, with a commitment to roast coffee with dedication and precision. It all began with an 8-year-old lad enjoying his morning coffee with his dad. At the age of seventeen, a coffee dream began to form, which eventually beckoned and brought him home with an espresso machine, then a job as a barista, a coffee show in Portland, and finally a roaster!

As Amos indicates, “As a single owner with a small sample roaster and a full-time job, keeping customers happily supplied with their coffee fix was increasingly challenging. The year 2020 came along with a beautiful summer wedding where this young man married the girl of his dreams.” Together they are venturing into growing their small business, known as Wheelhouse Coffee. Wheelhouse Coffee has come a long way from its tiny basement beginnings to its now sunny harbour town residence.

Along side the team’s high standard of coffee, they continue to perfect a high standard of customer service, directing their passion for pleasing people into yielding the best cup of coffee they can.

This month’s offering to our club members was the Wheelhouse’s single origin from Honduras. This coffee is a unique coffee grown at 1700m above sea level in the Marcala region. The beans are fully washed and then dried in raised beds in the sun. This coffee exudes a beautiful marriage of caramel, honey, cacao, and pitted stone fruit.

Secret Sip Coffee Club, arguably the best coffee club in Canada, is so pleased to have partnered with Wheelhouse Coffee Co. to bring you this month's secret roast, and what we believe to be, one of Canada’s best coffees. To learn more about Wheelhouse Coffee Co., check out their website below: